1.Which are the three sectors of economy?
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
2. What do you mean by the PRIMARY SECTOR?
It is the sector in which people are engaged in
those activities that are undertaken by directly using
natural resources
those activities that are undertaken by directly using
natural resources
Example : the cultivation of cotton. It takes place
within a crop season. For the growth of the cotton
plant, we depend mainly, but not entirely,
on natural factors like rainfall, sunshine and
climate. The product of this activity, cotton, is a
natural product.this sector is also called agriculture
and related sector
climate. The product of this activity, cotton, is a
natural product.this sector is also called agriculture
and related sector
3. Why is the primary sector also called as agriculture
and related sector? Primary sector also called as agriculture and related
sector because most of the natural products we get are
from agriculture, dairy, fishing, forestry
sector because most of the natural products we get are
from agriculture, dairy, fishing, forestry
4. Why is primary sectorcalled so ?
This is because it forms the base for all other
products that we subsequently make
5. Define secondary sector
Secondary sector is the sector in which people
are engaged in activities in which natural products
are engaged in activities in which natural products
are changed into other forms through ways of
manufacturing that we associate with industrial activity.
It is the next step after primary. The product is not
produced by nature but has to be made and therefore
some process of manufacturing is essential.
This could be in a factory, a workshop or at home.
produced by nature but has to be made and therefore
some process of manufacturing is essential.
This could be in a factory, a workshop or at home.
For example, using cotton fibre from the plant,
we spin yarn and weave cloth
6. Why secondary sector also called as industrial sector?
Since the secondary sector gradually became associated
with the different kinds of industries that came up, it is
also called as industrial sector.
with the different kinds of industries that came up, it is
also called as industrial sector.
7. Define tertiary sector
These are activities that help in the development
As the methods of farming changed and agriculture
3 In the past 100 years, there has been a further shift
of the primary and secondary sectors. These activities,
by themselves, do not produce a good but they are an aid
or a support for the production process. For example, goods
that are produced in the primary or secondary sector
would need to be transported by trucks or trains and
then sold in wholesale and retail shops. Transport,
storage, communication, banking, trade are some
examples of tertiary activities
8. Why Tertiary sector also called as service sector?
The activities of the tertiary sector generate services
rather than goods; therefore this sector is also called
the service sector. Service sector also includes some
essential services that may not directlyhelp in the
production of goods.
9. Why are only ‘final goods and services’ counted while
computing the total production ?
computing the total production ?
Only ‘final goods and services’ counted while computing
the total production because Intermediate goods are
used up in producing final goods and services.
The value of final goods already includes the value of
the total production because Intermediate goods are
used up in producing final goods and services.
The value of final goods already includes the value of
all the intermediate goods that are used in making
the final good
the final good
10 What do you understand by GDP of a country ?
The value of final goods and services produced in each sector
during a particular year provides the total production of the
sector for that year And the sum of production in the three
sectors gives what is called the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) of a country. It is the value of all final goods and
services produced within a country during a particular year.
11 Who undertakes the task of estimating GDP in India ?
In India , the mammoth task of measuring GDP is
undertaken by a central government ministry. This Ministry,
with the help of various government departments of
all the Indian states and union territories, collects
information relating to total volume of goods and
services and their prices and then estimates the GDP.
12.Describe the general pattern of change seen in various
sectors of economy in most of the developed countries
1. In the initial stages of development, primary sector was
the most important sector of economic activity.
As the methods of farming changed and agriculture
sector began to prosper, it produced much more
food than before. Many people were able to take up
other activities. At this stage, most of the goods
produced were natural products from the
primary sector and most people were also employed
in this sector.
2. Over a long time (more than hundred years), and
especially because new methods of manufacturing
were introduced, factories came up and started
expanding. Those people who had earlier worked
on farms now began to work in factories
in large numbers. People began to use many
more goods that were produced in factories
at cheap rates. Secondary sector gradually became the
most important in total production and employment.
Hence, over time, a shift had taken place. This means
that the importance of the sectors got changed.
3 In the past 100 years, there has been a further shift
from secondary to tertiary sector in developed countries.
The service sector has become the most important
in terms of total production.Most of the working
people are also employed in the service sector.
13 Give reasons for the Rising Importance of the Tertiary
Sector in Production
Sector in Production
1. In any country several services such as hospitals,
educational institutions, post and telegraph services,
police stations, courts, etc. are required. These can be
considered as basic services.In a developing country
the government has to take responsibility for the provision
of these services.
2 Second, the development of agriculture and
industry has led to demand of more services such as
transport, trade, storage etc
3 Demand for more specified services such as eating out,
tourism, shopping, private hospitals,private schools,
professional training etc
tourism, shopping, private hospitals,private schools,
professional training etc
4. Over the past decade certain new services such as those
based on information and communication technology have
become important and essential. The production of these
services has been rising rapidly.
Ur questiöns are göod teacher thank u
it is really helpful. Thanks
It is not very helpful because it doesn't provide enough detail and some important topics are missing in it. Please update the missing topics and provide detailed explanations. Thank You.
It is helpful but not all topics are available please update it so that all iformation are available thank you
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